Oct 11, 2004 01:11


thurs-bowling club, WOO- HAAA WOOO HAAA GOTCHEW ALL IN CHECK!-BUSTA BUST. oh yehhhhhh. <3 bowling<3 luff luff it. scores::



-96....i rememberd the last score finaly. blah. liz tells me ther good/so does john. thanx guys.

friday-football game. fun.hung out with olga.veronica.christina. and ofcourse GREEK....saw justin ther. he did soo good. in the halftime/same with izzy and stacy. in the dancing/color guard dept.

saturday. S.A.T.'s.....liek OH FUCK. i left soooo many blank :  / specially math. well. i went out to breakfast afterwards to hannes.oh so good : ) yummy in my tummy. afterwards. i went home. slept for like 2 hrs? maybe? then i was inside ALL DAY. where the hell was everyone? no one was online, i = online. thats sad. i hate the telephone!

well its great. whatever waste of a day. cuz my grandma wasnt home this weekend i could basically do wahtever the hell i wanted, yet had nothing to do. least i talked to kelly online. and julie<3 yeeup. i cant wait to hang out with both maybe this weekend. even jen. you out there reading this? : D lets shoot for saturday? cuz friday my older sisters moving out YAY! why am i so happy. oh wait. i should be. i should totally take her room. i got a fucking closet. its totally nawt fair. catch my drift? ............lalala.

BEASTIE BOYS IN LIEK UM A FEW HOURS! FUCKIN'aie<3 oh yeh. adrock. shake mah hand. im totally drifting in this entry. help help.

yeeeuhhh. so um at like 1 in the morning i get a call from danielle tori, aka, DING. and we go to TOM JONES. ever heard of it?? good food/cheap too$ . . .well i get picked up by her and dan smith and itay. head upto Tom Jones. YES[NAMED AFTER THE SINGER]. and we get ther. blah. i hate when people feel the need to smoke. gahhhd makes me nauseated like no otherrr. liek HELLO, IM DYING, every puff you take. I head my head out the window like a lil puppy would if they were panting. like gasping for fresh oxygen. uh huh. well.........hey lets get the smoking section. LIKE FUCK NO. help me. stuck next to dan. WELL THIS STORY IS KINDA GETTNG BORING. how bout dan,ding,itay, and brian make me laugh. YEUP.and we talked and stuff. talked about concerts. and how robbie whipped his junk out at ozzfest and tried to mollywop jon. oh yeh. no joke ther. haa. thats intersting riiiiight?........okays. so we eat/then leave, i get in around liek 3am. WOW. never do taht now do i. my curfews 11:30 :  / so yeh. watch some tv. then go to sleeeep.

wake up. oh yeh to clean. its so fucking fun. dontcha know? yeh you do. blah. so i go to aprils round 3ish. we watched finding nemo!! aww soo cute. i love the lil octopus gril.<3

then i ate dinner over. so yummy the chicken was delicious. so yeh. then we pick up steph. and come back to watch zoolander. i love that movie. like oh so much. i crack up at the stupidness of it. its HI-LAR-I-OUS....if you dont have it. ask me to watch it with you. i totally am down.

so i pedal home. and im here. right herrre. computer time. oh yeh. to excited to do my hw. but i must, or i will fail. time to go. byeeeeeeeeee.
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