This is my snake. His name is Petunia Romero-Sanchez.
We put some shrubbery in his tank so he can play hide and seek. He's only about a foot long, I'm going to catch him something to a sheep.
Let's see, what else to write about. I don't know why, but this popped into my head-
Kevin: "I haven't been to a water park in a long time...last time all I can remember were floating band-aids and weave."
I have some bitchin' orange bungee cords for my van, so now I don't feel too embarrassed. That's classier than random pieces of wood holding down a bright blue tarp, right?
I was up till 3something AM working on a
Seurat puzzle with my mom and brother. We're determined to finish it, I just hope we aren't missing any pieces. That always sucks when you're sooo close to finishing, but there are holes in your puzzle. I haven't done one in years, so I guess that's why I'm doing one now?
I should go paint a picture...or paint on a picture someone who died long ago painted, make it my own. That'll teach 'em.