yesterday i went to the pool with lavalley and never thought I would get burnt...when I got home to her house my legs looked like the color of STOP I sat home and did nothing, it was boring, but oh well...tomorrow should be a grrreat day...skating for 45 minutes then off to drivers ed, which is the stupidest class ever, even worse then ENGLISH!!! im gonna take one of those dumb quizzes that oberstar always takes in her journal dealy...
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]What's your name? :::taylor Birthplace :::eau claire Age :::15 Age you act :::haha umm 10? Current location :::home @ my house! Eye color :::brown Hair color :::blonde Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :::righty..but i can draw a heart lefty Zodiac sign? :::aries?? Height? :::5'5' [x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]Your heritage/nationality Your hair :::shortish blonde Your fears :::idk... Your perfect room :::my bedroom What you practically do in a day :::skate... [x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]Words you overuse :::holy, shit, a lot of words actually Phrases you overuse :::oh my god!! holy balls Your first thought when you wake up :::food! Your greatest accomplishment :::umm winning 5 firsts @ one competition? Something you want to do :::go to worlds! [x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]Pepsi or Coke :::coke McDonald's or Burger Kings both...except mickey d's salads Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::BRITNEY...DUH!...Christinas a loser! Chocolate or vanilla :::vanilla Adidas or Nike :::nike Black or white :::black Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :::bills!!! Burgers or hot dogs :::burgers Egypt or France not into those sand doones Rock or rap :::rock [x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]Smoke :::no Cuss :::yea Sing well :::umm idk Sing in the shower :::duhhh Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::not really Believe in yourself :::kinda Like taking these longass surveys? :::no Play an instrument :::clarinet, piano and bass clarinet Want to go to college? :::um-duluth...or uw-madison Want to get married? :::yea Want to have children? :::idk yet Think you're a health freak? :::idk Get along with your parents :::i like to turn my parents against each they say...idk...yea Get along with your siblings? Think you're popular :::idk [x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]Gone out of state :::yea Drank alchohal :::no Smoke :::no Get high :::no Done any drugs :::no Eaten an entire box of oreos :::no Been on stage :::yea Gone skinny dipping :::no Been dumped :::no Dyed your hair :::yea Stolen anything :::never know... [x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]Craziest :::haha well lisa and kins for and rachel lavalley Loudest :::Beth Huggins...whoa...I can hear her down the hallway Most shy :::none??? if i have to pick one itd be Afton for suurrreee Blondest :::CHELSEA STANEK!!! Smartest :::Emily Dehmer Kindest :::a ton of people...Kate, Kara, Kinser, Mccabe Best personality :::Kate Larson Most talented :::Molly Oberstar...miss I went to nationals...and im only 15 Best singer :::Allison Nye, Chelsea Wells and Katie Kazz Most ghetto :::Brian Mirr...thinks hes sooo black Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :::me for sure Pain in the ass :::idk...none...actually one...but I wont say her name!! The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::umm idk...cant say or he might kill me!! Funniest :::Katelind McKinster and Kara...pretty sure we always laugh when were together!! Best person for advice :::kara turtinen Dependable :::Kins! Trustworthy :::brittany buckli Druggie :::haha idk... Most likely to end up in jail :::idk...probably one of the diesterhaft boys...even though we SURELY arent friends!!!! Person you've known the longest :::Lindsay Friedeck...haha no questions asked [x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]Last dream ::: a guy ran after me with a chainsaw... Last nightmare :::umm that a guy ran after me with a chainsaw... Car ride :::home from rachels house... Last time you cried :::umm idk...when I watched a sad movie on tuesday Last movie seen :::scary movie 3 Last movie rented :::scary movie 3 and texas chainsaw Last book read :::id remember Last word said :::stuff Last curse word said :::prolly damn Last time you laugh :::when I was on the phone with rachels mom Last phone call :::dehmer... Last CD played :::umm GOO GOO DOLLS---broadways dark tonight, little bit weeker then you used to be...ok I'll stop!! Last song you listened to :::umm Broadway...only 100 times Last annoyance :::idk... Last IM :::molly oberstar Last weird encounter :::talking on the phone w. emily and listening to her laugh Last person you hugged cat Last person you yelled at :::probably my sister Last time you wore a skirt :::day b4 the last of school Last time you've been evil :::today!! Sarcastic? :::today Last time you fought with your parents :::today Last time you wished upon a star :::idk Played Truth or Dare :::a while back Spent quality time alone :::today!!!! [x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]Are you talking to someone on AIM :::yea Do you feel lonely :::no Ever TP'd someone's house :::yea How about egging someone's house :::yea Do you not like dislike not like me? :::what the hell? Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :::no Yo Momma :::?????? Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :::no What do you think of George Bush? not very political Any secret fetishes? :::idk Do you like to wear chains? O_o :::NO way! How many languages do you speak? :::2...FRENCH and English...oh yeah and jibberish...AND my language with katie!!! Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :::no Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) :::haha YES!!
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