This thing. This thing is weird. You prehs ... press keys and your thoughts come out on screen. Cool, I can get udsy ...usde .....used to this.
Looking for some type of employment. Smeomne ....someone told me the network is godo ...good place to find some connections. Evertign -...everything from siph - SHIP fixing to groceries will do, I guess.
You Scored a 93% which means you are a ....
You are a passionate lover. You are the complete package and you recieve the complete package. You are NOT selfish and yet you still don't get walked all over. You're what everyone looks for and you show the opposite sex what it is like to truly be loved. Anyone who gets you is truly lucky.
What kind of lover are youTake More Quizzes ....whta - what? I don't even kw-know why I-you know what, never mind.