Dec 27, 2004 11:50
magoo1328: hey
Pablo1218: what's up?
magoo1328: not much....just finished shovelign and am exhausted
magoo1328: you?
Pablo1218: same here
Pablo1218: so you ready for the gym?
magoo1328: ha!
magoo1328: i just had my workout
magoo1328: you should see the sweat
Pablo1218: bah, you need some cardio though
magoo1328: i'll give you cardio
Pablo1218: how about no bike, just the treadmill
magoo1328: i'd rather the bike
Pablo1218: the bike's nothing, you'll burn only a quarter of a piece of the lasagna you ate this morning
magoo1328: bullshit
magoo1328: i had cinnamon toast crunch this morning
Pablo1218: hahaha
magoo1328: and some of my chocolate trifle
Pablo1218: but still...
magoo1328: yea yea yae
magoo1328: i know
Pablo1218: ok, the bike's fine...but we gotta do it 45 minutes then
magoo1328: screw that
magoo1328: ill do the damn tread shit
Pablo1218: 'atta boy
magoo1328: fuck you
magoo1328: i hate you
magoo1328: i'm fat
Pablo1218: pick you up in 15?
magoo1328: sure
magoo1328: sigh
magoo1328: i'm gonna take a dump now
magoo1328: see you in a bit
Pablo1218: damn, i'll make it 30
magoo1328: no no, it's ok
magoo1328: 20
Pablo1218: ok
Pablo1218: go
magoo1328: gone