Here At Last

Jun 10, 2009 14:09

I'm finally moving!  It's going to be a long drawn-out process as I've got both places this month ($$) and I'm bringing vanfuls of boxes down as I get them packed.  The movers aren't actually getting the furniture until the 26th.  I wanted to be moved in sooner, but Julia freaked at the prospect of the house disappearing from under her, and refused to go to Indianapolis with me for the remaining days until she leaves for school (June 24th).  So the 26th is the official day.  And, just for the record, I hate packing.  I don't want to rush summer vacation, but I'll be glad when this month is over.

School is out for the summer (Yay!), but I'm still working at night, at least through this week.  I could use another week's pay, but I'm ready to be done with it..  It will be nice to just be lazy for awhile.  It's during these breaks that I really appreciate my job!

moving, work

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