Random Thoughts, Random Day

Jan 29, 2009 15:19

This is my second snow day off in a row following a  storm that left approximately 10" of the white stuff on the ground.  It's wonderful to sleep in late and not have to drive an hour each way on the snow and ice covered highway to work.  But the long empty days are not helping my mood.  I see the psychiatrist tomorrow, however, so hopefully there's assistance coming in the form of revitalizing medication.

I've been talking online to two guys who have contacted me from various dating/singles sites.  I seem to attract only creepy guys anymore.  Both of them talk like they're in love with me (from a picture!!!) and one even told his 11 year old daughter that I'm going to be her step-mom!!!! She apparently was excited, poor thing, because her mother was killed in a car accident 5 years ago, and she misses her.  I'm avoiding getting on IM because I really don't want to talk to either of these guys right now.

I wonder what it would be like to meet a nice, ordinary, sweet regular guy?  Or don't they exist out there for someone in my age bracket?

I do have some plans for this weekend, which will get me up out of bed.  On Friday I'm meeting a group of women, who get together regularly, to go to a ritzy downtown Indy restaurant for dinner.  They're having a special called "Winterfest" and the meal, usually unaffordable for mere mortals like myself, will only run $30.  The interesting thing about going out with these women, is that I've never met any of them before.  One of them, Carol, contacted me through FaceBook and said she was a friend of one of my FB friends and it seemed as if I need some womanly support right now.  Wow!  I'm looking forward to making some new friends.  Then on Saturday I'm going to a singles Gala sponsored by two Indy churches.  It's at one of the downtown hotels, only cost $10, and provides a buffet dinner, entertainment, and a dance.  Don't know if I'll meet any of the nice, ordinary, sweet, regular guys that I'd like to, but I know several women who are attending so I'm sure I'll have fun.  I am going to have to dance with one loser guy because he managed to get me a ticket when they were sold out.  I've heard he has a crush on me, but, well, to be kind I'll just say he's not my type.

I need to be working on a power point for a presentation to the 8th graders next week.  Have procrastinated long enough.

men, social life, snow day

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