Writer's Block: At the Hour of Preference

Jul 19, 2008 18:28

 This question really takes some evaluating on my part.  I have never been a morning person.  While I love the beauty of the dawn, and the fresh feel an early start to the day has, I am definitely not someone who greets the early hours with enthusiasm.  I LOVE to sleep in, often until 10:00 or later.  Even if I go to bed early on any given night, when I have to awaken early as well, I'm exhausted.  But if I go to bed at 4:00 AM and wake up at 10:30, I feel fine.  It has something to do with the "feel" of the late morning.

Midday, hmmm.  Naptime.  Well, it is when I'm not working, like weekends or vacations.  (I'm on summer break now, so you see where my mind is).  This part of the day is dull, however, and slow, whether I'm at work or home.  So it doesn't get my vote.

Late afternoon.  Nothing here either.  Just angst about what I need to make for dinner.  Unless Julia is not home, which means  I can take a late nap, and sleep through until . . .

Evening.  Well, evening will have to win by default.  Even though I find that I'm more tired earlier than I used to be, I'm more likely to get absorbed in something in the evening than any other time of the day.  And, if the absorption intrgues me until midnight or later, well . . . It's not like going to bed early is going to make me feel more rested!!!

writer's block

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