
Feb 14, 2007 14:27

i'm alive..not much to update on really..hubby is now in missouri in basic training, but that's been cut short due to an injury so he's been given a medical discharge. i'm staying home now due to the fact that i had a nervous breakdown in january, ironically around the same time i came down with walking, fun.
been working on my graphics again, and right now my current project is setting up the graphics for a friend's music page on myspace.
i miss talking with you guys, if you ever get the urge to download yahoo messenger, by all means, please look me up on ladyemorte. just tell me who are you are or else i'll ignore the invitation because of all the lovely script kiddies.
hmmm, let's see..finally moved into an apartment, back in october.
my youngest child is now an official teenager, hehe.
the oldest child is now engaged and was supposed be married this past december, but i don't think they've done it yet, or she would have told me so, even if she knows how i feel about the guy.
the house is down to 2 cats now, we had to leave our cats at my mom's when we were living in the hotel last year, and since one of my females got pregnant and there were too many kittens, they sent all the kittens, including the female that got pregnant, off to the pound. my familiar, had already passed away the year before, so now it's just the hubby's cat and my 2nd adopted female.
been reading again, so far i've managed to finish Memoirs of a Geisha, The Da Vinci Code, Resurrection, and still reading The Black Dahlia. it's nice to have my thirst for reading back again after being stagnant for years upon years.
i'm still always looking for new music in the underground, well mainly because it's an interesting mix to always be found, nothing mainstream and always keeps me entertained, hehe.
i'm collecting disney movies for my dvd now, the old movies, and some anime.
still playing my games online, guildwars and now have moved up to the world of warcraft, but i still have my love for the sims, hehe. i gotta have my digital barbie fix ya know .
so yeah, that's pretty much how things are going around me. much love to those that actually still keep up with me in other ways, and hopefully i'll hear from some old ghosties too.

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