Feb 07, 2011 13:50
"That's it. I'm done... I'm just done."
How many times have I told myself that... sitting and fretting or standing in the shower unwilling to turn off the water?
"I need a new life. I can't go on like this."
This to has been a litany that never really changes.
When spinning your wheels it is near impossible to see how to get out of the mud.
I never seem to want to remember that there is no "new life" out there to exchange for this one. This life is the only one we have. There is no second chance... no other life, let alone afterlife, where we can make up for all our failures and bask in our successes.
If I need my life to change, I must find a way to change it.
If I am truly done... I have to find a new beginning within this life... or decide to be done with it all.