Let me fill the world in on a secret. The Washington D.C. area is filled with people who can't stand the slightest bit of weather, and consider even a bit of summer rain to be cause to drive 20 miles an hour slower, clear out the stores, etc. Now, when it happens in the winter, and snow or ice come out of the sky, even a couple inches of overnight snow is considered a Class V Killstorm, and you nearly get riots in the grocery stores with everyone trying to get their hands on bread, milk, eggs and toilet paper. I guess snow gives people a craving for french toast and the diarrhea.
This is seriously one of most annoying things about living here, even if it does make my commute to work easier as schools and many government facilities shut down. Today, though, today I've been vindicated by none other than the President himself. That's right, the man basically called D.C. a bunch of pussies when it comes to winter.
http://dcist.com/2009/01/obama_mocks_dcs_reaction_to_winter.php Ha! Take that bitches!
P.S. Note that this is totally apolitical. If either of the Bushes made a similar comment, seeing as how they're really from Connecticut, I'd have been all over it just as much.