Most of the time, Nathan didn't give a good goddamn about his clothes. He wore what was comfortable and clean and if no one else liked it, well, they could go fuck themselves because he didn't care. He wore them, he washed them, he wore them again. It was a process he'd finely tuned over the years and didn't care to give up.
Of course, receiving a box from one's mum packed with old clothes changed a bloke's tune a bit. He hadn't realized he'd left when he'd packed but it wasn't a surprise considering he sucked at packing for himself. And since Nathan couldn't really afford to go clothes shopping with his meager money, this was kind of like getting a present even if the stuff inside was his.
Most of the things he recognized: jeans, t-shirts, socks, underwear, scarves, and even a few of his better henleys but some of the stuff was...unfamiliar. Nathan wasn't sure what to make of some bigger shirts, jumpers and godawful pairs of fancy dress shoes were not his.
Digging down, Nathan came out with a small note that told him that his mum had thought he could use these and that her new boyfriend called Jeremy had even given up some of his older clothes.
"Oh come on!" Nathan exclaimed, holding up a garishly colored
jumper. "Does she want me to get expelled for starting a fire in my dorm room? I feel like burning all this shit. Who wears something like this? Honestly!"
Obviously, Nathan didn't know his future.
[Door closed, post open, I'm amusing myself]