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tyrmer April 11 2008, 22:24:30 UTC
Player nickname: Tyr
Player LJ: Tyrmer
Ways to contact me:
Email: Tyrmer@hotmail.com
AIM: Tyrmer
Are you at least 15?: Yush

Character: JD
Fandom: Scrubs
Character Notes: Not sure what season it is but he's now a Doctor.

Sample Post: Ooh so this is where Dr Cox hangs out when he isn't at the hospital. Hmm, I wonder if he took it up before or after I started following him to the golf course to watch him in those tight shorts. I was in the tight shorts fyi, not him Although he would just look SO adorable in lycra.. Anyway me and my budd-ay Turk were totally NOT going through the Cox' files when I found this site. It seems that my mentor has been supplimenting his real life with a little of the old online living it lAArge. Wassup my new homies, and where's the beer fridge y'all?

P.S. If someone could point me in the direction of the Cox-Meister then that would be appreciated because we just had a patient go critical and he seems to have left his pager in the showers. I shall keep it forever and treasure it as an artifact from near his hot, soapy skin.


mortally April 11 2008, 22:26:14 UTC
Weak one! -points-


jesushcox April 12 2008, 05:21:59 UTC

Er, of course, IC, Cox is going to kill you slowly and painfully. WOE HIM JD, WOE HIM.

Or, challenge him to a duel XD


gotapresent4ya April 12 2008, 19:44:52 UTC
I swear I'm going to kill you ¬_¬


for_power April 12 2008, 07:03:59 UTC
Could you supply another sample, please?


tyrmer April 12 2008, 20:01:26 UTC
Is that the mod or the character talking? *Narrows eyes*

Well in that case mods, ladies and gentlefolk; I give you the one, the only, floating head doctor!!!!!

"Wassup my new homies? I thought I'd take up residence on the interweb as Turk has decided he needs more room in his bag for his gym shoes. Also I had to gnaw my way out of it last night when he locked me in by accident, so now it's a little drafty. Anyway yes, I am in need of a new abode so I thought I would virtualise myself! Ta da! I give you: Virtual Doctor! He can cure viruses in a flash and still have time to seduce your processor. *girly snrk*

*Girly scream* Ooooh my buddy mentor Dr Cox is on here? Wow! We can be virtual roomies in my new inter-pad! *Sigh* It is fate; we were destined to find the same site and take on the world as a dynamic duo of medicine. Anyhoo, what does a virtual doctor do for a virtual beer around here? Oh I know, lets play ‘virtual-pin-the stethoscope-on-the-patient’s-faulty-aortic-valve!’ You guys can go first!"


revered_love April 13 2008, 01:03:19 UTC
I'm sorry but this application has been rejected. Feel free to apply again. ♥


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