Player nickname: Tyr Player LJ: Tyrmer Ways to contact me: Email: AIM: Tyrmer Are you at least 15?: Yush
Character: JD Fandom: Scrubs Character Notes: Not sure what season it is but he's now a Doctor.
Sample Post: Ooh so this is where Dr Cox hangs out when he isn't at the hospital. Hmm, I wonder if he took it up before or after I started following him to the golf course to watch him in those tight shorts. I was in the tight shorts fyi, not him Although he would just look SO adorable in lycra.. Anyway me and my budd-ay Turk were totally NOT going through the Cox' files when I found this site. It seems that my mentor has been supplimenting his real life with a little of the old online living it lAArge. Wassup my new homies, and where's the beer fridge y'all?
P.S. If someone could point me in the direction of the Cox-Meister then that would be appreciated because we just had a patient go critical and he seems to have left his pager in the showers. I shall keep it forever and treasure it as an artifact from near his hot, soapy skin.
Is that the mod or the character talking? *Narrows eyes*
Well in that case mods, ladies and gentlefolk; I give you the one, the only, floating head doctor!!!!!
"Wassup my new homies? I thought I'd take up residence on the interweb as Turk has decided he needs more room in his bag for his gym shoes. Also I had to gnaw my way out of it last night when he locked me in by accident, so now it's a little drafty. Anyway yes, I am in need of a new abode so I thought I would virtualise myself! Ta da! I give you: Virtual Doctor! He can cure viruses in a flash and still have time to seduce your processor. *girly snrk*
*Girly scream* Ooooh my buddy mentor Dr Cox is on here? Wow! We can be virtual roomies in my new inter-pad! *Sigh* It is fate; we were destined to find the same site and take on the world as a dynamic duo of medicine. Anyhoo, what does a virtual doctor do for a virtual beer around here? Oh I know, lets play ‘virtual-pin-the stethoscope-on-the-patient’s-faulty-aortic-valve!’ You guys can go first!"
Player LJ: Tyrmer
Ways to contact me:
AIM: Tyrmer
Are you at least 15?: Yush
Character: JD
Fandom: Scrubs
Character Notes: Not sure what season it is but he's now a Doctor.
Sample Post: Ooh so this is where Dr Cox hangs out when he isn't at the hospital. Hmm, I wonder if he took it up before or after I started following him to the golf course to watch him in those tight shorts. I was in the tight shorts fyi, not him Although he would just look SO adorable in lycra.. Anyway me and my budd-ay Turk were totally NOT going through the Cox' files when I found this site. It seems that my mentor has been supplimenting his real life with a little of the old online living it lAArge. Wassup my new homies, and where's the beer fridge y'all?
P.S. If someone could point me in the direction of the Cox-Meister then that would be appreciated because we just had a patient go critical and he seems to have left his pager in the showers. I shall keep it forever and treasure it as an artifact from near his hot, soapy skin.
Er, of course, IC, Cox is going to kill you slowly and painfully. WOE HIM JD, WOE HIM.
Or, challenge him to a duel XD
Well in that case mods, ladies and gentlefolk; I give you the one, the only, floating head doctor!!!!!
"Wassup my new homies? I thought I'd take up residence on the interweb as Turk has decided he needs more room in his bag for his gym shoes. Also I had to gnaw my way out of it last night when he locked me in by accident, so now it's a little drafty. Anyway yes, I am in need of a new abode so I thought I would virtualise myself! Ta da! I give you: Virtual Doctor! He can cure viruses in a flash and still have time to seduce your processor. *girly snrk*
*Girly scream* Ooooh my buddy mentor Dr Cox is on here? Wow! We can be virtual roomies in my new inter-pad! *Sigh* It is fate; we were destined to find the same site and take on the world as a dynamic duo of medicine. Anyhoo, what does a virtual doctor do for a virtual beer around here? Oh I know, lets play ‘virtual-pin-the stethoscope-on-the-patient’s-faulty-aortic-valve!’ You guys can go first!"
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