Howdy Cowboys and Girls

Apr 16, 2007 11:49

Howdy folks.

I 'm looking to put together a relaxed game of Deadlands on the weekends. I have saturdays and sundays open shy the odd ren faire i go to. I also run a few other games that i could use players for and i'll list them.

Supernatural (based on the tv show ,system is W.O.D.)
The Warriors (based on the movie,system D20 or W.O.D)
G.I.Joe! (based on the comic books and some from the cartoon,system TBA)
Vampire (old and new W.O.D)

All of the games i run cinematic and rules lite. The story told and fun had our the goal. Not how many pluses you have. I look forward to meeting new people and everyone is welcome to join me. I also tend toward the action side of things. Trust me though there will be many places in the game for good role playing.

As the reason for this post. The game will be set in a little town known as Cutters Creek. It borders both a Union and CSA fort in the disputed lands. The town gets it from all sides. the crime rate is like a bouncing ball. once the marshell puts down one gang on a wave,another takes up where the other left off. Then there's the armies that walk around like they own the place. Between the commaner it's a question of lesser evils , but you'll still end up feeling used and dirty. Even the chruches are in conflict. Both are preaching that they know what god's view is and trying to put asses in pews so the can collect those tithes.

There's much more going on in this little speed bump of a town, but thats a tale for later.

So if your interested in joining me in any of these games Or better yet run one of them them by all means send me a message pronto!

I tend to play my games at someplace close to me and i live in richmond ca. I am wiling to as far as BART will take me. Rides and or car pooling is always great but not a deal breaker.

Once you get to know me guys and dolls i'm really not that bad a guy for a slacker gamer freak.

Prise the Lord and Pass The Ammo!
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