The good news: I'll be more active now, as work is finally starting to ease up again. Things may still be a little crazy (we're opening our first branch office next week, and we'll likely be dealing with all sorts of kinks and wrinkles D:), but I'm getting back in gear. Woohoo!
The bad news: It had to happen sooner or later. Shinji Matou (
fauxmaster) has been quite effectively hulksmashed by Berserker. Which is a good thing in itself, except that little storyline was a means to an end. RPing a serial rapist is a real mind-drainer, especially since writing rape in itself is pretty difficult for me...emotionally and mentally, anyway. (Stuff like like comes a lot more easily to some than others.) So, at this point, I will be leaving little Shinji for dead, as I don't want to waste Phoenix Downs on him...and let's face it, Lezard hates his guts. :3
Now, for those who know the Fate stories, this leaves a VERY big opening. We've only covered one storyline-death (if not a crack!version of it), but there are still a couple others he might go through...if anyone else is up to the challenge. So, if anyone wants to take up the Shinji-reins and figure out how to bring him back, I'll be more than willing to hand 'em over to you. ^^ Just LJ-message me on
makemegodnow or my RL journal
angeltrinity and let me know if you're interested. (I don't use IM very much, and there's only a few people I'm willing to chat with through them.)
NOTE: Even if no one does take Matou-kun, I won't delete the journal. I'm a pack-rat by nature, and I like reading my old stuff from time to time. To that end, people can still friend it if they want to get royally creeped out. :3