> RL: Interrupt Kyah's RP, as usual.

Oct 25, 2011 11:59

Hey guys, Kyah here.

Calling a hiatus for a few reasons- real life's decided to be a party pooper and postpone my pretendy funtimes. My mom's surgery is next Monday, and she'll be out of commission for taking care of the house at least for a week or so, possibly more. Also, some of you might've noticed this on my plurk, I'm finishing up my cosplay and it's taking a lot more time than I thought. Finally, I've got NaNoWriMo around the corner, and while that usually doesn't interrupt my tagging, planning for it is a whole different story.

I'll still be around to finish any tags/threads/posts I owe, it might just take me a while to find the time to sit down and do them. If you could be patient, I'd appreciate it (and thank you to those who already have been)!

I hope I can be back soon at full speed, though! I hate missing things. Later!


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