FA/RL FROM 8/17/11 -8/28/11
friend add bruteforcehack
friend add danmakuboundary
friend add cocksprite
friend add docfoul
friend add eratverbum
friend add formercheerio
friend add heretocollect
friend add hero_sting
friend add kickgodsass
friend add kismesist
friend add lovescowtits
friend add not_a_clotpole
friend add ohmoooom
friend add overloads
friend add wolver33ne
friend remove awakeningadvent
friend remove c_o_u_r_a_g_e
friend remove the_human_thing
friend remove justasdamaged
friend remove maraihi
friend remove networkbattler
friend remove seventh_gospel
ï Removes are continually one week behind due to the seven-day grace period.
ï Adds should always be up to date, unless you haven't added yourself to the
Taken Characters List, in which case I'll give you a few days before I start bugging you. :3
As our Duo Maxwell player Andy pointed out, I made a mistake wayyyy back in July, and a group of characters accidentally never got added to the master add list. If you joined at any point after
this friend add, please run this list through the admin console as well:
friend add antibadstuff
friend add destroyeroftime
friend add firefly_frye
friend add flippingfire
friend add negative_five
friend add ridingchariots
friend add soloisms
friend add swordplaying
friend add togotosleep
friend add wasneverfree
friend add whatarryedoin
Thank you, and sorry for the error!