Phew, it's been a while, hasn't it DDD? Everyone still remember how this works? You get up to two votes per question, pick your two favourite viruses in either category, and the one with the most votes wins!
Viruses up for poll
Four Days (ish) Viruses
Done With You Professionally virus: Characters are convinced they are actors of their own canons. :|b
Who Are You Anyway virus: Characters forget someone(s) close to them, and have fake memories to match. Think What If virus.
Sailor Moon virus: Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight...
Harem virus: Like Karen, but more overt.
Soul Eater virus: Become a Weapon/Meister, ???, BATTERU Profit!
A Moment In Time virus: Suddenly, telepathy! Direct memory connections mean trauma times. Deletion of the original comment leaves this one off the table for now. Ignore the poll option, please!
Powerswap virus: The old power switcheroo!
Lost in Translation virus: Translator Microbes fail. Sign language and picture responses imminent.
Supers virus: The world is a comic books, and you're the hero/villain! Hope you don't turn out with Blessed With Suck...
Homestuck virus: Your name is CHARACTER. You are now playing A ROUSING GAME OF SBURB.
Inner Thoughts virus: Your mind has a keyboard of its own, and your thoughts spill out in your comments.
One/Two Days viruses
No Consequences: Nothing you do today matters! ...wait, it does.
Wardrobe Malfunction virus: Expect to keep making like Janet Jackson.
Emoticons virus: :O? D8!! ...=_=;;
Mushroom Samba virus: Dude, dude, dude, look at that waving cactus clown over by the singing rainbow! How awesome is that!
Daydreams virus: Hope you're not fantasising about anything too embarrassing, DDD…
Poll August Viruses Happy polling, DDD!