taking a quick break from writing papers for this -

May 04, 2011 16:50

What, you guys thought you were rid of me?

Joking aside, sup guys, Lii here reintroducing a character I played for a bit about fall/winter time - Soma Cruz from the Castlevania series. He's something of a reincarnation of Dracula - he's human, but he has similar powers, namely the ability to absorb monster souls and use them if he needs to (like turning into a bat, shooting fireballs, creating shields, absorbing enemy HP, etc). He's not being reset - so he remembers everything and I have him in the middle of the year-long timeskip between Aria and Dawn of Sorrow. I'll probably update him to the beginning of DoS later on this summer.

Those of you that don't know me, I'm that nonexistent bitch who plays badasses (rebelbloodline , ttlynotcable , and fangedvengeance ) and doesn't afraid of anything [NOT MY WORDS - well, that second part anyway - the "nonexistent" one].

Though an update on that - I should be back in the next week or so now that I only have a couple more things to work on school-wise and have a couple options for jobs this summer. And when I get back, OPEN MIC NIGHT. IT'S HAPPENING, GODDAMMIT. :T

So~ Feel free to hover-add or friend add pimpcoats @ the Admin Console. I'll probably intro him this weekend when I'm not scrambling to finish papers.

new character, lii is a derp

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