Long hiatus announcement.

Feb 01, 2011 13:03

Some of you already knew that I was going into residential treatment. Some of you, of course, are just now hearing about it. Anyway, next Tuesday I'll be flying into Texas, where I'll be internetless for an indefinite period of time, the lower end of which is about three months. This means that my hiatus will probably go longer than hiatuses are strictly allowed to... But it's still a hiatus if I have every intention of reapping!

I love you guys, and I'll miss you so much while I'm gone. If anyone wants to RP anything with me in the next week, please let me know.

This affects:

Issei Ryudo ewwgirls
Naesala cawing
Sealand defactonation
Sherry Birkin vinodejerez
Nessiah grancenturio
Austria steiermark
Shinji Matou failsatmastery
Kanna bonywings
Heather sapphicthief

mini, hiatus

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