Nov 04, 2010 11:10

And here I thought I could get away with making this announcement at the weekend. XD;

YES, AS SOME OF YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED, THERE WAS NO VIRUS POLL THIS MONTH. That would be because instead, from the 18th-23rd, iiiiit's Grab-Bag Virus!

The reason I was hoping to get an announcement in before y'all really started plotting was that the idea with this particular Grab-Bag was to be the opposite to our first one: it's being hit by a virus/virusesyou have been hit by before.

Now, we're not unreasonable, and we know that a lot of characters won't have been hit by nearly as many as others, or will have missed the virus they wanted most. So here's our compromise. You can EITHER:

- Be hit by one new virus that you haven't been affected by in the past, over the course of the virus, OR
- Be hit by as many viruses as you want that you've already been affected by, over the course of the virus*.

*You can still only be affected by one virus at any one time, same as last grab bag.

You can mix-and-match a little, for example Bob getting Genderswap and Inner Thoughts, which he's already been affected by, and then rounding off the virus with Touchy-Feely which he hadn't.

I'll put up a proper plotting post in adddictions in a second Plotting post is here! Any questions, throw them at me and I'll be happy to answer!

Oh, and speaking of adddictions: HMD IS UP; go forth, ducks, and utilise it!


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