(no subject)

Oct 03, 2007 04:03

Shaun Facts (I will add more as they come to me) (I've added one extra for a LJ exclusive)

Shaun loves Chinese Food
Shaun's favorite beer is Miller Lite
Shaun will watch an entire game of baseball...on television
Shaun has appeared on WWE television numerous times spanning both Smackdown and Raw
Shaun has seen HHH live, thats is close to greatness he feels he will ever come
Shaun enjoys Green Bay more than Iron Mountain, If it weren't for family, he wouldn't go back
Shaun wants his first time to be to the song SOS by Rihanna
Shaun thinks skateboarders are giant douches
Shaun thinks the only rights animals have are the right to be eaten
Shaun's second passion in life is to be a chef
As of 1:15AM all of Shaun's swim wear resides in his middle desk drawer
Even though Shaun owns an X-Box 360 Elite, he would rather have a Playstation 3
Shaun thinks that the only people who hate Guitar Hero are those who suck at it....badly
Shaun's favorite actor hands down is Tom Welling
Shaun enjoys music by Justin Timberlake
Shaun HATES Fords but drives one anyway
There is nothing more important to Shaun than family.
Shaun enjoys country music a lot but has still kept his roots to rock
Shauns first passion in life is to have a wife and kids
Since moving to Green Bay Shaun has become more of a risk taker
Shaun can buy liquor and beer from a store down the street, even though he is only 20
Shaun just got employed at Old Navy
Shaun loves dressing nice and wear suits
Shaun likes any song by Colbie Cailat
Shaun thinks South Park hits it dead on when it comes to the theory of evolution
Shaun HATES it when people call...don't leave a voice message then say "dude where were you?! *important thing here* and we tried calling you like 50 times!
Shaun remembers his first dance with a girl and what song it was to (Leann Gingras and All My Life by KC & Jo Jo)
The only thing to ever make Shaun cry is the episode of Smallville entitled "Vengeance"...literally the last 90 seconds (for those who have seen the episode you know what I'm talking about)
The three sites Shaun visits on the internet are Myspace, Facebook, and Wrestlezone
Shaun thinks the movie thank you for smoking teaches a person how to never be wrong.
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