Feb 21, 2005 10:12
So heres what happined with me and jamie.... I was trying to get a hold of him from 6 the day till 7 in the morning and his phone was bizzy the hole time well finily i fell asleep till 930am n i tryed again. well he ansered and the convo wint like this....
Me-hey did i wake you?
me want me to let you go back to sleep?
him- yea
me-well I got to ask u somethin
me-who were u on the phone with all night?
me-just wonderin
him-thinking brittny
*now sry to interupt but he told my girl d she died in a car accedent b4 that though he alwyz has been best friends with her*
Me-ha interesting i thought u told danielle she died
him- I did fucking not I said she almost died she called me to cry about her boy friend shawn
Me- ok jamie....
well in the end some how or another we ended up ending it and he was going to end his life well when i got home i was at my sisters house at the time well when i got home i called him adn then we talked the yesterday i was Really fucked up like off my ass fucked and he don't like me doin that n when we was dateing i promised him i wouldn' well he asked i know he could tell but i said i wasn;t he said he was it was bad cause i was gettin fucked up while he was on the phone. he said he was trippin on acid. It used to be his fav. b4 he sroped doin everythig well then he wanted me to call him 2day at noone but i couldn't I wasnt' home i am at my sisters and there is no way 4 me to call him :( so i don't know if we are over 4 good or what.I don't want to be I love him but I don't know.... Do I honestly feel ilke putting up with anymore of his head games? I mean he was like I fucking love you and I will never cheat on you and don't ever call me again! So i mean i don't know if he did cause i mean yea Fuck Now I just talked to him and i was like what do u want?He said that all he wanted to do is make me happy he was like do i make you happy? I was like yea but do u want to be with em? Yes I do but what do you want? I said i do want to be with you then he said I hurt u and i make your cry y do u still want this i said I am not sure if i even do.... he got upset but yea well then we were all good right well.... then i asked him what we were and he was like togeather. I was like ok then it was wiered like we were wonderin who was goin to say i love you 1st well then b4 his ass leaves he tells me that he will be gone tuesday till mabe sunday and not to call he made me fuckin promise! But i will be on the computer he says well thats fuckin grand for him does he want a coockie?well thats to danm bad if he does want one. Honestly I am so fuckin sick of these twisted head games. but afterr that I say ok when will I talk to u? he was like i will call you. I was like aight Then we did a quick i love you melissa i was like yep love ya 2 i said ya not even love you or i will miss you then it was a quick bye bye. It was sad and pathetic! honestly it was! I am cheating on him so I am goin to do everything in my power to slide my self away from him. Fuck him yea I do love him I dout I ever won't love him. But I will make myself do the best to try. How much you want to bet the second I am starting even a lil to get over him he will pop back up in my life. How much do u want to bet me? God I fuckin hate guyz this is why i cheat for every chick that they cheated on or hurt I will hurt them. U get what u give I guess its true *sighs* whats the point in trying with Jamie anymore I should have ran when i had the chance its fucked up though cause the reson he was going to kill himself was because of me do u get it? does anyone? I just need someone to help me on this fucked up relationship. I dated so many guys but he is the one i don't get he is bi poler but i dated them b4 2 so its not that. I am so confused by him. I dont know why but i don't and don't think i ever will trust him. :( I dont know what to do I am going out of my mind.