(no subject)

May 10, 2009 14:19

urgh, I'm had the worse week in the longest time.

In the past week the following has happened:

my nintendo ds broke
I lost my ipod
I lost my cell phone.

Monday, I went to turn on my ds and the top screen is all screwed up. Which dishearten me because I know it was from the bottle of soda that was in my bag that leaked. I figured I'd by myself a new one by this weekend.
It was also Gil's birthday so I took him out to eat at this really cool Japanese place in chinatown. Also, we picked up some rum and just came back and hung out at his house. It was the second time we had hung out since I broke up with him two Mondays ago. Yes, you read correctly. It was quite enjoyable again. I had been enjoying the downgrade in the relationship. WE were just sitting in his bathroom floor just bullshitting.

Wednesday, I pick up work. Nick came and visited me and we went to the diner after work. We were going back inside my apartment and my ipod was tied up with my keys. I'm guessing thats when it fell from my pocket as I was shoving it back in.
The next morning when I was getting ready to go to work I was looking for my ipod, and gave up looking when I knew I had to leave to make the bus. When I got outside I looked on the ground and found my ipod headphones, but no ipod. Royal suck. Between that and the ds I was quite pissed off about it. I still had to buy Gil his ipod for his birthday, but I decided that could wait for my own selfish needs. Since he would only use it in the car, meanwhile mine was the main way of getting music anymore.
Fortunately, when I got to work, someone wanted to pick up for me, so I left and bought myself a new ipod. I came back over to Gil's since my computer is here and try to set the damn thing up, but when Gil reformatted my harddrive, he put a different older version of XP. Which happens to be too old to have itunes on. So there was no way of getting any music onto my ipod. I need him to either a: reformat it again, or b: network his lap top to my desktop. But this completely explains why I couldn't get to change any of my music onto my old one.

Cell phone, I was running after a bus yesterday trying to catch it. Which is not a smart idea because of my present knee problems. So my knee was in horrible pain most of the time of work. I realized I had lost my cell phone by the time I got to the transfer station. So I got off the bus, knowing where I dropped it and hopped on the next bus heading back towards my house. I figured I could call work saying I was running late because it had been only like ten minutes. Unfortunely, it was already gone.
I found a pay phone and used it to call work. But I started to get really upset over it because of everything else that had happened to me during the week. And started to have a panic attack. I came over to Gil's even though he wasn't here to wash up and try to calm down. James was here and I talked to him about it, let alone other things. Gil and I started to have another fight friday night, but between me who was drunk and him taking 4 tramadulls for his recent stone it was over the normal problems.
Anyway, I ended up getting to work two hours late. And the person I told that I was running late didn't tell the management. So Ingo was angry with me, and I explained the situation, so I think he was fine because I guess he understood. He told me they tried to call my cell, which further instates how I called from a payphone, I didnt have my cell. But it was kinda a blessing in disguise because the person who found my phone called Chili's telling them they had my phone. Now, I'm waiting for 3pm so I can go pick it up. Oi

I'm just also so fucking stressed out, because I'm sure Nick thinks I'm ignoring him. I don't have his number other wise. I need to call my mom today and wish her a happy mothers day and just talk in general since I haven't talked to either of my parents since easter. Mainly for being just so stressed out and I'm the type of person to just shut people out and want to be alone when I'm like this. I definitely need to find a new therapist cause I can't deal with my moods swings anymore. I just am so fucking moody in general I need something to mellow me out.

Jenn Lazur last night gave me a xanex to try to calm me down at work, but I ended up not taking it till I got home because I almost started to have another panic attack while leaving work last night.

yeah, so this is what my week consisted of.
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