Jun 25, 2005 17:44
I'm excited. I decided to rip off Dave here, and post my potential classes :)
CRIM 101 - Intro to Criminology Topics will include: examination of different terms and concepts commonly used in criminology, such as crime, delinquency, deviance, criminal, victim, rehabilitation and treatment.
ECON 103 - Microeconomics The principal elements of theory concerning utility and value, price and costs, factor analysis, productivity, labor organization, competition and monopoly, and the theory of the firm.
GDST 200 - Think About Gender An introduction to the major critical debates on gender from an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspective. Topics include the construction and regulation of gender and the relation between gender and ideologies of sexuality, race, class and nation.
HIST 101 - Canada to Confederation A survey of Canadian history to 1867.
HUM 101 - Intro To Humanities An introduction to issues and concepts central to the study of the Humanities. Through exposure to primary materials drawn from different periods and disciplines, students will become acquainted with a range of topics and ideas relating to the study of human values and human experience.
LING 110 - The Wonder of Words Study of the structure of words, the change of meaning of words, the change in form of words. Examples from English, French and other languages.
PHIL 100 - Knowledge/Reality An introduction to some of the central problems of philosophy. Topics to be discussed include the different theories of reality; the nature and sources of knowledge, truth, evidence, and reason; the justification of belief and knowledge about the universe. These topics and problems will be considered as they arise in the context of issues such as: relativism versus absolutism; the existence of God; personal identity; the nature of the mind and its relation to the body; free-will and determinism; the possibility of moral knowledge.
So I am going to have a lot of fun, eh?