this is long, sorry

Nov 29, 2001 02:18

alright i'm going to attempt to write a quick rundown of my trip to washington. luckily i wrote something almost everyday about what was going on on my laptop, that way i don't forget a lot of it.

Tuesday, November 20th, 2001. 3:00AM
woke up, only had about 40 minutes of sleep and quickly rushed into the shower and off to the CAK (canton akron airport) for my first flight to cincinnati ohio.

the first flight to cinci was alright except they had the heat way up and everyone complained about it and they still didn't turn it down, bastards. anyway once i got to the cinci airport i found my way to the gate for my next flight to salt lake city, sat down and looked acrossed from me and who did i see? STEPHEN KING, thats right, i saw him and you didn't, i swear to god that was him, he's all skinny now. really though who gives a fuck about stephen king? but i saw him and that makes me better than you. so i just sat there and twiddled my thumbs until my next flight to salt lake city came, and at about 8:50AM it had finally arrived.

after my flight from salt lake city i arrived in pasco washington at about 12:30PM and met up with god, i mean shawna. she looked awsome, actually she looked like she could have been in a rap video, but she was all beautiful and crap. when i got past the security gates where she was waiting i was all shy and gave her a quick kiss and then we went to baggage claim and got my stuff and headed off to the car. on the way home we stopped at subway and she drove me around the "ghetto" part of her town. it ruled, it was like the coolest ghetto ever, people would be out on their porches drinkin' 40s and well it just ruled. we decided it was time to go to her house cause she had to pick up her sister later, so we got to her house and when i walked in her dad was in the kitchen and i was like freaking out in my mind cause i thought he was going to pull a gun and shoot me, but he didn't, he was cool actually. (shawna says he didnt like me when he first saw me cause i look too wild. ahahaha me? look wild? ahaha) anyway i put my stuff away and she showed me around and all that, but i was so dead tired that day i don't really remember much of anything else, i think thats when i went to sleep.

Wednesday & Thursday November 21st & 22nd, 2001.
i didn't have my laptop charged up yet so i didn't take notes about these days. but i know we rented videos like snatch, momento and hannibal, shawna's sister's little boyfriend came over and watched them with us too. i was also very shy those first few days and i kinda feel bad about that, cause i probably seemed odd or something, eh oh well heh.

Friday, November 23th, 2001.
i decided i needed some spending money, so i got ahold of my mom and had her wire some money to me by western union, what a great way to get money away from your home right? well then went all the way over to western union, waited in line which took forever only to find out i wasn't listed in their computers to receive any money, so i called up my mother and found out she didn't even send me any yet, that pissed me off, so we went there for nothing. we ended up going back home, then later came back and i finally got my money. later on that night we ate thanksgiving dinner, it was really good, shawnas dad made the turkey like perfect, and shawna made an awsome pumpkin pie, she didn't like it but i did, not to mention she even made the whip cream on top of it.

Saturday, Sunday & Monday, November 24th, 25th & 26th, 2001.
i didn't take notes for these days, but i think i remember most of everything anyway, probably not in the right order, but eh so what. we decided to have taco bell for dinner that evening, so we went out and had our taco bell and drove around for a bit and she showed me more of her town. we drove down a street with a lot of stores and business type things and she pointed out where she got her tongue pierced, and instantly i was like "HEY TOMORROW LET'S GO GET MY LIP PIERCED" so we planned on doing that. later she pointed out a place where she says her and her friends and almost everyone in highschool used to hang out, it was a big popular hang out spot, and guess where that was? THE GAS STATION ahahaha that like made me giggle like a faggot for most of the night "HEY GUYS LETS HANG OUT AT THE GAS STATION TONIGHT, I HEARD THERE WILL BE FLY BITCHES AT PUMP 5" "DUDE I GOT SOME BOOTY LAST NIGHT AT PUMP 3" ahahah man how in the hell can a gas station be the "spot" is beyond me, but it was funny anyhow. when we got home shawna was trying to kick her mom off the computer so we could go online, but that wasn't happening so we just layed down untill her mom left, which was like the next morning. shawnas mom rules, shes an internet freak just like us. well her mom left but we didnt really get up to get online, we just stayed there and uh "hung out" for a while, then she had to take her sister to school and i went to bed.

the next morning i woke up pretty late in the day and we eventually went to go get pierced, i was extremely excited about this, i couldn't wait. we drove off to the piercing place and found out they were closed, that sucked hardcore, we then checked another piercing place near by and that one was closed, fuckers, so we drove to a gas station (ahaha) and she looked in the phone book for more piercing places but we kinda gave up after looking for them and went to hot topic to see if they did piercings, they did, but not lips, just ears, so i was disappointed, i really wanted to get pierced with her, and i think she was going to get her eyebrow done, but thats okay. we decided that sence we couldn't get pierced that we would dye streaks in my hair, i was getting kinda tired of all black all the time, so we bought the dye and went home and tried dying my hair, but the bleach wasn't strong enough to fully get rid off all the black so we tried it again, but that didn't work either, it did a little bit better but not really. by this time we gave up and decided to, as she says "*cough* go to bed" yes, bed is where we went. the next morning...(continued)

here's how my hair turned out. i am skunk.

Tuesday, November 27th, 2001.
the next morning we woke up late, didn't have time to finish my hair, so i still look like a skunk. we rushed to get ready to make it to the airport on time and i really didn't want to leave her, the 7 days went by so fast for me, it's not fair. anyway we got to the airport and thats when we said our goodbyes. i wish she could have came with me so bad.

i loved that i got to be with shawna again and i had a great time. her family is awsome and i wish it wouldn't have went by so fast. i love you
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