wataru [12012]/ruki [gazette]
yougenkyoui claim no responsibility
the sky looked like a thousand cityscapes as if ruki was floating in a world below the real one, vivid like skyscrapers, soon to be a whole lot of nothing. dark like his life when he closed his eyes, like a silver screen before a movie played. wataru's hands felt like stones made of velvet on his hips. he wanted to move but he was captivated.
"i wonder what it would be like to be up there, infinite," wataru murmered quietly, resting his head on ruki's shoulder.
"mmm..." ruki took a drag from his cigarette, eyes still focused on a constellation. "what the hell's infinity, anyway?"
"nothing," wataru conceded quickly. "the earth was created by a supernova and appropriately it will end that way. completely sensical. pressure makes everything fold." a sour laugh. "just look at us."
folding? indeed they were, but it was moments like these that held ruki content with the idea. maybe it was the opposite. maybe dragging themselves away, losing it all, breaking into a million shards of glass that would spread through the oceans and the air was real freedom. maybe real freedom was watching wataru die as he did.
maybe it was simple times like these, watching as the moon masked the sun. at one point he might've considered wataru to be his sun, but now he realized that wataru was the moon and the sun was the blinding reality of the quicksand that his life was morphing into.
maybe it was nothing. after all, if anything could be infinite, it was darkness.
& as the moon fell into place and they saw nothing but a faint ring of light looking remarkably like time travel was possible, for a molecule of a second, ruki felt he could find infinity in wataru's arms.