Apr 08, 2004 21:09
work was really bad today..even when I was home on my break my boss called me to argue and bother me. Why can't he just leave me alone? I sware I love my job but my boss is a fucking MILITARY lieutenant. And he really was literally!!!
I don't know what's up but I have been extremely nostalgic for a couple of days here. Thinking about my mom, my brother, my middle school and high school years.
God it all goes by so fast...it's kinda sad. It's weird. It's great. It's beautiful. I try to think about how much I've matured since age 16 but I have a hard time seeing all that I've learned. Well, I've learned a lot about relationships and about self. I've learned that the only true way to be happy is to be happy with yourself. You gotta make time for yourself first and do what you need to do first. Then, and only then can you involve somebody else. Don't wait around for people to do things or for people to call. That shit'll only bring you misery and impatience. I think we've got to live on a dangling string(not in a dangerous way) but always holdin on at the end of the string and never letting go. Over the years the string will just get weaker and weaker till it pops.
I'm so tired of the cold weather. I'm just dying over here to put on a pair of shorts and some sandals. But, We've got probably another good month and a half.
I gave my colleague my Frida dvd to watch yesterday to tell if she thought I could play it for "cinema night" at work. And she said "no"! I couldn't believe it but she told me that she didn't appreciate the sex scenes and that she had to cover her eyes!!! She's 29 years old and pregnant! So,I know she's had sex but I think they are only into sex for making babies. That is such a pity!
Alright well i've had enough of typing. S should be coming over soon. We're gonna go out and I'm gonna get a stiff drink.