Who, if I cried, would hear me among the angelic orders?

Apr 14, 2011 09:45

WHO INDEED. life is sucking

at night implore rilke to whisk me away to castle duino and during the day emulate this in my citadel of solitude (barring lunchtime).

O M G I can feel the walls closing in. IT DRIVES ONE INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they have given me nothing to do and I am already tiring of reading about China's outbound FDI  and rehashed opinions etc etc. cannot even bring myself to write what I know. at least I am meeting Lishian tomorrow, a brief reprieve. hopefully there will be things to do, people to see, matters to take care of, on saturday. if not, at least there will be satay.

the most interesting parts of being in China so far: pig's brains, crispy sparrows, goose eggs, lamb's kidneys, kite-flying in canola fields, being appalled by the meeting etiquette of civil bureaucrats, being impressed by the earnestness of pudong govt officials (or perhaps they weren't being earnest and I'm just bad at telling).

I CAN'T WAIT TO GET BACK TO LONDON, MERRY OLD ENGLAND. at least I do not get shoved violently onto the tube, at least I can acquire produce of less dubious provenance, at least (and I never thought I'd be saying this) the weather's probably better there. capoeira's so much better there as well :( they suck here. I hate the lessons
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