
Mar 14, 2011 19:04

suddenly feel inclined to trot out a short post. I am effervescent with energy this evening!! the weather has been agreeable. cycled to holborn viaduct for my visa application, and upon arrival, realised I'd forgotten my wallet. made a panicked call to jini, asking her to come down with cash and card, and then was told at the counter that I only had to pay upon collection. managed to call her in time to avoid a wasted trip. relief, but that didn't last very long - the third party note was deemed insufficient (!!), though it seems quite plain to me that the consulate-general in shanghai answers to HQ ANYWAY. have a brain, please.

subconsciously, I am probably writing this to avoid doing logic homework D: D: D:

meeting with personal tutor this afternoon for results collection. she asked if I planned to continue philosophy at graduate level. I said any such declaration would be premature.

buzz buzz buzz a creature of excess, I am!!! ! ! ! !

baking brownies with sher on thursday because he has an oven. I, on the other hand, do not have an oven. woe, thy name is _________________________. if I'd the time or inclination, I'd prepare cookie dough.

let me describe to you the state of my room: various cards tacked haphazardly on the cork board above my desk; desk: socks, bottles, fish oil capsules, ornamental pen that was a gift from rachel (ornamental only because it doesn't actually WORK, not because it is particularly ornate. far from it.), lamp, personal electronics, printer (seldom used), black ceramic cup, muji clock, various lotions that purport to preserve the suppleness of my skin. window sill: egg cartons, empty abel&cole cardboard box, rice cooker (repurposed for vegetable steaming). draped over radiator: 1 green, checkered tea towel. on bed: bath towel (grey), face towel (blue), muji sweater and gi pants (permanent nightwear), knapsack containing philosophy handouts and portuguese worksheets, 2 moleskines, 1 brown leather notebook, bedlinen, duvet and pillows, me. in a corner: guitar. shelf: coat, scarves, hats (!!), pandeiro, tea, paper for printing (seldom used), detachable parts of berimbau, books, empty glass coke bottle, yellow frisbee, plastic containers for food (do not contain food), 1 arame for bibo, 4 melamine bowls, 1 ceramic bowl (larger) 1 plastic plate, 1 ceramic plate, cutlery (2 each of knives, forks, spoons, teaspoons, chopsticks), chocolate, scouring pad (unused), nail polish remover, listerine (seldom used), dental floss, various feminine hygiene products, contact lenses, tissue paper, insoles, wet wipes, cotton pads. beside shelf: boots, wastepaper basket. chair. propped up against the wall beside my door is my berimbau. cupboard. inside cupboard: clothes+bags. on top of cupboard: luggage, and empty shoeboxes.

what I had to eat today: biltong, 3 eggs, 1 red pepper, 1 tomato, 2 small jerusalem artichokes, cashews and macadamias, 100g of G&B 85% (told you, I AM A CREATURE OF EXCESS). now, I feel so lively, I think I might just cycle to fulham to do capoeira tonight even though I've done it so much this past week.

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