What a Workout Week!

Aug 19, 2007 21:59

I am wiped out.  I've been up early (5:something) every morning since Wednesday to exercise - Wed run, Thu swim, Fri run, Sat run, Sun bike/run.

Saturday I ran 9 miles with Tracy.  It was a miserable run.  We started at 7 but it wasn't early enough to avoid the heat and humidity.  I don't think my new nutrition plan is giving me enough fuel - I was on the edge of a bonk for much of the run.  We ran from Barton Springs (hi
doughnut_girl!) to the trail, did the 7 mile loop to IH35, back to Barton Springs (hi
traininglog!), and then an out and back on the greenbelt to give us 9 miles total.  The run felt awful and we were painfully slow - averaged an 11:01 pace - but the soak in Barton Springs afterwards was nice.

Sunday the calendar called for a 2:45 ride followed by a 30 minute run.  I met my peeps at Lake Pflugerville - Tracy, Pam, Jenny, Joe, Laura, and a couple of friends of friends.  We got a later start than we wanted to - wheels down at 7 turned into almost 7:30.  We planned to do a 32 mile loop we knew, and add on another 8-10 mile loop at the end to give us 2:45.  The problem with that plan is that once you get back to the starting point, you have the option to quit, and we took it.  We were out for 2:20 and it was 10am and we didn't want it to be any hotter for the run.  We had a great ride though - it was cloudy and windy so not so hot.  We pacelined for a while - hard to do for long with so many people.  We averaged 14.5 mph for the entire ride.  Tracy, Pam,  Laura & I ran once around the lake and that was 30 minutes.  I averaged a 10:10 mile - still slow, but I don't feel so bad about it.  It was darn hot and I was darn tired.  Oh and I saw a happy little tri-color corgi named Tucker at the end of the run!

I don't think my new Asics are right for me.  They're giving me blisters on one foot, a bruised toenail on the other foot, and sore shins/calves.  Back to Runtex.

Maybe I can sleep until 6:something tomorrow for a rest day.

I'm having serious second thoughts about the Austin Tri.  I haven't swum in my wetsuit at all.  And I keep thinking about how miserably hot the run will be.  What if I just don't want to do it?  Am I a big old wimp?

running, bicycling, weekend

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