This weekend was fun. It started off on friday with hanging out with brain. We went to CPK and got the bbq chicken pizza - which is amazing- i highly recommend it. Then went to see Dreamer- i loved it!!
After that we went to my house and played games and watch tv until 3;30.
I woke up at 7:30 for practce- last saturday practice :( which isn't really sad haha but its kinda sad.
Then i went to the hs and took the picture for marching band and then we went to the game but came back like right when we got there because it started to rain. Whatever.
So after that i went with caitlin, heather, lauren, andy, mark and david to the diner- it was really fun! I got a lot of food- as usual haha
Then after heather cait laur and i went to elise's house and got her and sal and we all went to get our halloween costumes!! which are SO cute. SO SO CUTE. i' m so excited.
Then after that i came home and LINNEA WAS HOME!!! (with her friend Betsey) So we went into the city to visit Amy at Fordham- we got on the wrong train haha and saw mad random people. Mike A. and Steve L? like what?! they used to be so hot in hs but now they are no lives. I also saw Lauren Pankin- like what?!!
Anyway, we got there and it was amazing. We were at the Sushi Bar until 4. Then we took the subway home and got there at like 5. Then we had to wake up at 6;45 to go back to WP. haha so i got 5;45 hours of sleep the whole weekend.
My parents picked us up and went to visit my grandpa and my cousins- we all went to church and linnea and betsey fell sound alseep and linnea snored haha it was hilarious. I died laughing.
10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Food: chicken and peppers pizza from IP
Favorite Hobby: swimming
Favorite Movie: Usual Suspects
Favorite Sport: Swimming
Favorite Season: fall
Favorite Day Of the Week: Saturday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: mint chocolate chip
Favorite Time of Day: bedtime
Favorite Memory: El Salvador 04
9 Currents...
Current Mood: sooo tired
Current Taste: pizza
Current Clothes: black sweats and a light blue long sleevs
Current Desktop: picture of arianna and i in band
Current time: 8:03
Current Surroundings: my basement and linnea dancing in her underware
Current Annoyance(s): school tomorrow.
Current Thought: i love having my sister home
8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Megan
First Screen Name: babyblueeyes05
First Pet: Sparky
First Piercing: none!
First Crush: Geoffe DeSoye
First Music: BarneY? lol
First Kiss: Brian Fischer
7 Lasts...
Last Cigarette: never
Last Drink: water
Last Movie: Dreamer
Last CD Played: the mix in my room
Last Date: firday
Last Vacation/Road Trip: this morning to NJ
Last Kiss: friday
6 Have You Ever....
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends? no
Ever Broken the Law? yes
Have You Ever Been Arrested? no
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped? yes
Have You Ever Been on TV? yes for swimming!
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know? maybe
5 Places You've Been TODAY...
- Amy's dorm room
- Sushi Bar
- My house
- Nursey Home
- Subway- go figure
4 People You Can Tell Anything To:
- Rachel
- Becca
- Arianna and Megan
- My siblings
3 Things You can hear right now:
- my mix
-linnea singing to the music
- me coughing
3 Things You Can't Live Without:
- food
- my friends
- my bed
3 Things You Do When You're Bored:
- call my siblings/ brian lol
- take a nap
- swim
2 Choices...
Black or White: black
Hot or Cold: cold
1 Thing You Want to Do Before You Die: go to Australia!