Hello, tripjinxers. I think the time is right for me to speak up -- and what better topic than movie!Draco as opposed to canon!Draco? Answer: lots, probably. But this is what I was thinking about today. Slow day, yes.
A few reports have gone up about the TF’s fan club launch, most notably this
one and
of course.
But cutting to the chase - there’s a scene in GOF where Draco runs across the school naked! Apparently, Tom says this is in the next film, talking to a girl at the launch when she asks about the ferret scene. ETA: he may have been joking, but excuse me while I freak out anyway and use this very minor happening as an excuse to obsess about Draco. I’ll carry on, then. (says the obsessed fan)
I don’t think I’m alone in having the ferret scene as one of my favorite Draco scenes in the books. The refusal to cry and the Crabbe’s willingness to pick the ‘shivering white ferret’ who was ‘bouncing off the walls and squealing with pain’-how could you remain unmoved? It’s a scene that showcases a lot of what I love about Draco and something that really shapes my sympathy for him.
I think a lot of us have been smelling bad treatment of this scene for a while. Personally, I don’t like Draco’s treatment in the movies, mainly because a lot of it centers around making Draco someone I’m not interested in, a villain without context. The spontaneous klepto behavior in Flourish and Blotts, for one. And a deeper problem in COS, Draco’s statement about Hermione and the basilisk. In my book (and JKR’s), stating you want that annoying girl in Potions killed in front of her two best friends in public as a show of bravado, is a lot different than saying so to your two best friends in the privacy of your common room. Little Draco with his big mouth becomes a lot more sinister instead of merely annoying. I also hated the punch scene in POA, which massacred Hermione’s character as well as Draco’s. (What happened to Draco’s surprise and refusal to slap her back, even verbally? And no self-respecting teenage boy cries in front of his two best friends and his two best enemies when confronted with a skinny girl and her skinny fist, even if she’s the best student in the year. Especially when she’s the best student in the year and you aren’t. I mean, a lot of things are done in private at that age - a lot of things - and crying for Daddy, for Jason Isaac’s sake, is one of them.) I guess that’s what I don’t like about Draco’s treatment in the movies, he becomes a villain without context, context that makes his actions not forgivable but at least understandable for those of us who care.
Now that this little tidbit about the ferret scene in GOF has come to play, I can’t help but feel it’ll be one of those ‘the villain gets kicked to the curb while the good kids laugh, as it is His Due’. And then, rah, rah, *throws rocks*. I feel it’ll ignore the bigger problem - a teacher has gone mad and is abusing the kids, for Alan Rickman’s sake.
In my defense, I thought the COS mudblood scene and POA Buckbeak scene worked well for Draco. (It also gave us one of the best lines in the movie. Bloody chicken…bloody *Hagrid*. Heesh.) In COS, it showed that Draco used the ‘m’ word only as a weapon against Hermione, because she insulted his place on the team. In POA, (memory of this is fuzzy), Draco jumped in front of Buckbeak only after Harry did, to prove that whatever Harry could do, he could do. Preferably better, and maybe even with a furry hat, like he later has. (I can't have been the only one who liked the furry hat, can I?)
Well, now that I've successfully overreacted, anyone want to over-react with me? Thoughts, please.
x-posted at my journal.