Aug 25, 2003 05:09
yes, ya'll its me..I'm updating
please..kept the excitement down to a accepted level!
As I can see, I have been sadly miss, I've missed you guys to..but lets see what we can cover in this entry
(days of our lifes theme plays)
Well lets see...whats new..I'm working now..and all I can say is
WORK SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! ok..I ain't gonna sit here and bitch bout work..because hey..I gotta work..cause theres a thing called CAR PAYMENT that I must make..grrrr..enuff about work!!. lets think happy thoughts..happy thoughts...hmm...lets see..what else can I blabber about..hrm..(begins to think) ok..well I haven't updated in a while. and I can't sleep..deeply board..have nothing else to do, so I was like, you know what..I should update..and I thought bout it, and was like "well some people need something to read" and I thought bout it some more, and came the conclusion that "yes I'm going to update"...
So kids, hows school? shew, to be honest, I'm beginning to miss it, here ya'll getta sit in class all day, see your friends, eat that wonder school lunch (Mmmm, Boy do I miss that misery meat..and the stuff they called hamburgers that really wasn't hamburgers)...and yes, if your asking if I was being sarcastic on the school lunch, the answer is yes. what can I say..its 4:57 AM right wide awake (to much coca-cola) and im hyper as can be..(but I guess you can tell by this entry right?)...
Welp, lets see (checks list to stuff to blabber about on LJ) I've covered work, I asked how ya'll liked school, and how I sorta miss it..and now..well, that's it..oh yeah GOD'S GREAT!!!! just had to add that...because GOD'S GREAT!!!..
welp...(sings) Now its say goodbye..the LJ family..l-I-v- thanks for reading..e-j-o- come back soon... u-r-n-a-l
and if your thinking "WHAT A DORK" you didn't have to read my lj now did you? did I make you...noooo..I just feel like being stupid..and humorous and puttin a smile on ya'lls faces hahaha....
thanks for being such wonderful friends...every night I pray, I thank God, for sending me wonderful people who care soo much for me..and I really do love you all a lot..=)
but ya'll..the hyperness has worn off (spoke to soon about the coca-cola)
Later Kids!