Nov 01, 2006 20:29
Thanks to my wondeful co-worker Alex, I am now the owner of the Firefly series and Serenity. I'm pretty stoked now.
I also purchased several more DVDs this weekend, including:
-The Big Lebowski
-Mulholland Dr.
-All 3 Lord of the Rings extended versions
-complete Noir series
-Star Trek Fan Collective: Time Travel
-Vanity Fair and Twister for bunbun
Hillary and I went to NYC this past Saturday. It wasn't as terrible as I remember, but I still don't like it. It's too much for me, though I'm sure if I were forced to spend any length of time there I'd get used to it. Everything just strikes me as being real sketch, though...
Got the Rocket From The Crypt last show rough cut in the mail today. It was pretty awesome. John Reis looked pretty pissed when he got hit in the head with a shoe. I could even see Victor in a could shots.