triopuri Timeline and Rules~

Jan 11, 2008 18:56

T I M E L I N E:

Sat. 12th January 2008 - Sign ups begin

Wed. 30th January, 11:59 PM AEST - Sign ups close

Wed. 6th February - Assignments sent out via email

Wed. 12th March, 11:59 PM AEST - Submissions due

Wed. 19th March - Posting begins

R U L E S :

Triopuri is an art and fanfiction exchange. As such, there are a few rules and modly notes we'd like you to read and remember. :D

Ignoring them may result in your being dropped from the exchange, however this will be done at the moderators' discretion and will not be done without reason. The rules are as follows:

♥ In order to sign up, you must be at least 18 years of age as of the 30th of January, 2008. If you are found to have given a false declaration of age, you will be dropped from the exchange.

♥ By signing up, you are obliged to produce one piece of fiction or art and will, in exchange, receive one piece of fiction or art. If you pull out of the exchange or fail to submit, you will also not receive anything.

♥ Triopuri is an anonymous exchange, which means that from the time you have been allocated a request to the time the moderators reveal writers' identities, you must not post your submission elsewhere or reveal your, or if you beta someone else's submission, their, identity. If you have any queries about the request you're assigned, please contact your moderators and not your recipient.

♥ Allocations of requests cannot be swapped, except if you are really stuck, in which case, please email the mods and we'll try to help you out as much as we can.

♥ If you are unable to meet the submission deadline for the exchange, contact a moderator ASAP to let us know how we can help you or if you are dropping from the exchange entirely. The earlier you can contact us, the better. If you have any other problems or concerns, don't hesitate to email.

Even if you are going to be half a day late in handing in your submission, please let the moderators know in advance. You will not be dropped if you are 15 minutes late to hand in an assignment, but it helps greatly if you keep us up to date with your progress and would be very much appreciated.

♥ Art and fiction submissions for the exchange must be:

Your own work. Deliberate plagiarism or submission of writing/art which is not your own is unacceptable.

Created for the exchange specifically, and must meet your recipient's request, taking into account his/her dislikes and likes.

Must be a stand-alone piece and not include references to other existing pieces of fanfiction or other art.

Fiction must be a length of at least 1500 words, excluding any quoted sources.

All submissions are accepted at the moderators' discretion! Fiction must be of an acceptable standard and must not contain excessive formatting, grammatical or spelling errors.

Please have all fiction beta read. If you are unable to find a beta by yourself, please contact a moderator about it and we will be happy to help. Likewise, art must be of an acceptable standard, which will be judged at the moderators' discretion. If what you produce is inappropriate for the request you were given, it will be sent back to you to be corrected. (As much as we love stick figure art, it isn't acceptable here!)

! mod post

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