Fic Search

Jan 03, 2014 09:34

Hello, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my LJ Friends!

I have a friend who is pre-menopausal and is, apparently, in a bit of a sexual slump. She finds her physical interest in sex waning, but mentally she's not willing to give it up. She asked me last night to link her to some "really raunchy fanfiction" in the hope that it would kick her libido back into overdrive.

Trouble is, I mostly read slash these days. She's said she doesn't mind if I send her slash (she loved the two Cambiare fics once I convinced her to read them), but I know she really prefers het. I'm sure I've read some very "motivating" het fics over the years, but for the life of me I can't recall the names of any of them at the moment.

Does anyone out there have any really steamy het recs - particularly Harry/Hermione or Harry/Ginny, or maybe even Hermione/Snape or Hermione/Draco - that might get someone wound up and ready to pounce on her hubby? (Or I suppose even slash recs, if you think they'll inspire her...although I probably have those pretty well covered).

Thanks in advance! I hope you all have a fantastic 2014!
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