A few weeks ago, one of my favorite fanfic writers -
jordangrant - posted
links in her journal to versions of her Cambiare novels that were formatted to work on Kindle. After a bit of Google research to figure out how to get the files onto my cell phone (Samsung Mermerize), I am now happily able to read them on my phone.
So I'm wondering ... does anyone out there know of other fanfiction that is formatted for reading on a Kindle? Jordan referred to hers as "Mobi format" which means nothing to me, but I assume it would to anyone who has converted their fics.
I will be doing a bit of traveling in a couple weeks and would LOVE to have some stuff to read on the plane and while I'm waiting for my flights to board/depart since you now have to be there well ahead.
PS ... if you are a Snarry fan and have not read the two Cambiare novels, DO IT NOW. They are beyond fantastic!