Clearly, I've lost what little was left of my mind.
I have signed up for a Zumba Fitness class that's being given in the building where I'm working now. I'm told that Zumba is the latest rage, but I'd never heard of it until I heard about it at work. So for anyone who doesn't know about it, here (while probably not the best example) is an idea of what I'll be attempting to do/learn:
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Anyone who actually knows me will likely suspect I will never be able to do this properly, and they'll probably be right. There is a reason I'm not a dancer. But I figure if I attend these classes and make an effort to learn and keep up with the steps - regardless of how incorrectly I may do them - and if I have some fun while doing it, then it has to be good for me, right?
The thing is, I'm trying to lose weight - and I'm actually having some success with it. It's a slow go, but it's going. Still, I'm at an age now where losing weight all by itself is just not enough. The areas where I can tell I've lost some weight are sadly in need of toning and this looked like a more fun way to get some all-over exercise than to try using all the different machines that target one or two areas and require a series of boring repetitions on each piece of equipment to get an all-over workout.
Someone tell me I'm not completely crazy here . . .