*falls into a chair with a yawn and closes his eyes*
Thank Merlin for the weekend. No tests. No classes. No homework...*remembers the pile of books and parchment he tripped over getting up*...no new homework. A welcome break after this past week.
It's still hard to believe that Sirius Black has been staying in the castle. And Harry Potter, his godson? I wonder who else they have tucked away around here. And there's something that's been bothering me ever since reading the paper yesterday. Something discomforting about learning that such a big thing was hidden beneath our noses for who know how long. Obviously, given the background of the situation, his presence had to remain a secret but that can't stop me from wondering what else they're hiding.
It was all a rather shocking ending to a week that began with surprise of a different variety
Mandy's changes were unexpected to say the least, but enlightening for everything that they exposed. And everything they made us face.
Strangely though...as hard as it was, quitting never crossed my mind. Not after working so hard for this long. And after the enormous effort Mandy's put into the class...I can't...it would be cheating her as much as it would be cheating myself.
Monday's class presented one of those situations that's easy to feel comfortable with when all you have are words. Whenever I'd heard the stories of friends taking different sides and facing off against one another, I'd told myself that I could do that. In the heat of the moment, under dire situations, I could fight one of my friends if my life depended on it.
Then came that moment in PSD when I was standing across from Mandy - getting ready to fight her as though I would an enemy in a battle for my life. In that moment actions blew words out the window. Suddenly, that friend I was fighting in the those worst case scenarios had a name and a face. That anonymous enemy was now replaced by Kevin ... and Lisa... and Padma... and Mandy.
My assuredness isn't as strong now.
Yet, as much as my confidence has lessened, my convictions for staying enrolled in the class have grown. Even though I hated fighting Mandy and will continue to do so until I can obliviate the memory, I think I can understand the reason behind the alterations. At the least, I can appreciate what she's trying to do.
Even if it does put me in a situation I'd do almost anything to avoid
*opens his eyes just enough to read his watch*
Might as well...
*reluctantly leaves the comfort of the chair and heads to breakfast*