*rifles through banking parchments*
Desk work just takes more time to adjust to, that's all. Same goes for the long London winters.
*fights urge to sigh aloud*
But what I wouldn't give to see the sun again, glinting red off the desert mica at dusk. And to eat something other than puddings, pies, and soups--something made with spices that amount to more than just salt and pepper.
*reaches around to scratch at neck*
Ruddy dress robes. Would think clothing that costs a mint wouldn't be so itchy. Would also think that the mint I'm supposedly making could be better spent if I actually had time to get out of the offices. Working late on a Saturday, I can't imagine why--
*following a succinct knock a goblin enters, bearing a tray of steaming tea, scones and clotted cream, bacon sandwiches, other dabs of fine delicacies, and a small bottle of firewhiskey*
Ah yes. Well the perks are rather good.