Nov 09, 2003 19:02
i am tired...i am drained....i am sick...i have no energy. i have some...alright..some..but barely enough to work. to my suprise i got a call from David (i babysit his kids) a few minutes ago, telling me they won't be home until tommorow evening...which means i don't have to wake up at 6 tommorow morning...which makes erin so very happy..see the happiness? ^_^ no energy, still happy. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. my 2 full days off this week consisted of me sleeping...and that is all. it felt like such a waste yet i felt like i didn't get enough. and this cold weather? not really working for's too soon, too soon...october went too fast...even though i wanted it to go quickly...but now i just can't wait to move. it is my main focus right now. moving out as soon as i possibly can. i need new scenery so badly. last weekend i did not wanna go home from bloomington or wabash...coming home was very depressing. movie gallery is becoming routine so i don't notice as much how long and often i am there...i don't know how my boss does it..being there so many hours a's not the work, it's the atmosphere...getting to see all these people, more than half of them assholes, but all that have time to sit back and watch a movie...i barely have time for that anymore, i just put them on to fall asleep to. im just jealous of the customer's free time i suppose. ah well, if i had free time i'd be bored and complaining on here that i don't work enough or make enough and that there is nothing to do here. so i guess it's better that i stay busy. i just can't wait to move...when work will be only 2 days a week or so...and school will be my main focal really looking forward to it. anyways, enough going to hot shower..cuz it's freezing in here...and then im off to work again. i worked 9-5 and im going back to return movies. :P but i will visit colleen, cuz she is oh so bored when working with the kenny. anywho, hope everyone is staying sane. i've started my christmas list...2 books so far. i will not be given spongebob stuff by every family member...cuz i know that's what they're thinking. lol.
later gators