Mar 16, 2008 01:17
Moment of Truth: Ever since I was forced to move to Texas back in August, I have gotten really annoying in my California love. I mean, really, listening to me, you'd think Irvine was this shining city filled with arts and culture, and that it's just generally the place to be. And it's really not. It's just your average suburb. And when it comes to California in general, I mean, California really is an awesome place to live, but it's not necessarily the greatest place in the world. Maybe...
But I was talking to a couple of my Scottish flatmates a few days ago, and I was sort of going on about how much I miss living in California, and how much I hate living in Texas, and they asked me why California is better than Texas. And like, I was so taken aback because at my university no one would ever ask me that. I mean, I would expect that from Texans because Texans have an irrational love for their state that I don't think anyone will ever be able to explain. But I always figured everyone else just sort of knew. I mean, Calfornia ... Texas. It's just one of those things.
And because I'm currenty in a foreign country, it's not like I could explain that a huge reason I don't like Texas is because Texas is like a foreign country ... except that I actually feel more comfortable here than in Texas.
But it's more than that. For my birthday, my mom offered to take me to see Wicked. And it sucks, because if we still lived in California, we could have done it, because stuff like that plays in L.A. all year round. But because it's not going to tour in Dallas (or it already has and I missed it, I don't know), we can't go see it. Or it's like, hey, people are coming to visit, we'll send them to Disneyland or take them to walk on the beach. But in Texas you can't do that. And in California "going into town" isn't this huge ordeal because there is no "in town". There's houses and shopping centers; and when they build new houses, they also build new shopping centers because, you know, no one is going to want to have to drive twenty minutes to get their groceries. But in Texas they just build new houses; and if the houses aren't close to grocery stores ... well, people just drive twenty or thirty minutes to buy groceries. And I hate that because seriously, what happens when you're having a dinner party and an hour before it starts you run out of sugar or something? You can't just run up to the store, and that sucks.
And I've actually totally forgotten where I was going with this. But okay, maybe all that means is that you like what you're used to, and I'm used to suburbs, and the bottom line is that Texas doesn't really have suburbs, and so I don't like it. But I still don't understand why anyone not from Texas would need it explained to them why California is better.
And I just got really tired (it is one in the morning), so I'm going to wrap this up for now.