Apr 19, 2007 22:44
Today was my (our?) second appointment and besides being the type of patient every nurse hates (I was 15mins late and forgot the little card they gave me for writing my future appointments on) things went well! I've lost 5lbs which amazed me but the doctor said it was perfectly fine as long as I'm not trying to loose weight and am eating (I admit that recently I've had to remind myself to eat because most days I don't really feel hungry so I just gotta remember to eat something every 3-4 hours) She said she had a patient loose 30lbs during the course of her pregnancy and gain about 10lbs back during the last month so who knows maybe pregnancy is the weight lose solution I've been needing :-P (I hope none of you really believe that lol)
The down side to the appointment (besides being hated by the nurses) was finding out that I have a UTI/bladder infection (news to me because I've had no symptoms) and have to take some meds to clear it up plus drink some cranberry juice for the next week. I'm also slightly anemic but hopefully continuing the pills, vitamins and eating more iron rich food should help (I just started paying attention to the iron foods...good thing I <3 fresh spinanch)
The baby is defiantely growing and getting more active with each passing week. It's a mixed bag of emotions to see and feel the changes going on but is definately cool when I get to hear the heartbeat and even cooler next month when I get my first ultrasound.