Fic: Battlestar Galactica

Jan 17, 2006 19:44

Doom and I challenged ourselves to a little here's what I came up with.

Who:Gaius Baltar, Kara implied
When: Colonial Day
Prompt: Ethics, only I'm not sure how well this little ficlet actually fits the prompt. Oh well.
Writing time: 15 minutes

Gaius Baltar had always thought himself a master of ethics. Not that he actually had any, mind.

Well, he did. Only not in the traditional sense. No, Gaius Baltar's moral principles were only concerned with one type of right and wrong - what was right or wrong for Gaius Baltar.

Which is why, at the Colonial Day party, he decided that Kara Thrace was, in fact, completely right for him. Nevermind that he saw the way Captain Adama's hands circled her waist protectively as they danced. Nevermind that he noticed the adoring looks she'd been giving the younger Adama when she thought he wasn't looking. Gaius didn't care. Stealing another man's woman wasn't beneath him, and it wasn't fact that the captain and the lieutenant were anything more than friends, which made it even more right. Right for Gaius, anyway.

It turned out that for all her bravado and badassery while sober, the pretty lieutenant was rather impressionable once she'd had a few drinks in her. As such, it was more than easy for Gaius to steal her out from under Adama's nose and keep her there, plying her with ambrosia and slick dance moves, for the rest of the evening. it was all going right - she laughed at his jokes, didn't deck him when he danced closer than was truly necessary, and easily accepted his offer of a nightcap back aboard Galactica. It was all going right.

She was unlike anyone Gaius had ever taken into his bed, soft, supple and beautifully responsive. Had eyes only for him (even if they were clouded by drink, which, in hindsight, maybe wasn't such a good idea after all), and a body that seemed suited to all his best bedroom tricks. So right. Too right.

What was not right was the trick she'd played on him, and it was a trick, whether she realized it or not. She'd offended his sense of ethics, because it seemed that what was right for Gaius Baltar was, in fact, completely wrong for Kara Thrace. And he didn't know which was worse - that he'd been wronged so, or that the other brilliant blonde, the one who'd been telling him all along that the great Starbuck was so, so, so very wrong - had been right after all.

Gaius Baltar had always thought himself a master of ethics. Now he wasn't so sure.

battlestar galactica, drabble, fic

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