Here's Connor at his talk on Sunday...poor thing had a bad cold...but he was sweet and gracious, especially during autographs and the photo ops...he has the sweetest smile and the nicest eyes...I would post more pictures through phobucket...when I can get into my account (grumble, snarl)...anyways...he did joke about his cold...he said: "It gives me a deep, sexy voice." We were rolling and cheering all at the same time. I did get enough courage to give him the button that I've had made from 4 years ago and it made him laugh. And when I thanked him for coming to this convention and making my weekend...he beamed and said.."You're welcome, sweetheart."
Best Shore Leave...ever!!!!
Will post more when I get a chance...a bit tired from all that driving today...
Love and hugs and such....