Title: Pulse
trinketriesRating: PG-13
Pairing: Sunggyu/Woohyun
Summary: For
repackagedx! Vampire AU. Woohyun needs Sunggyu to be selfish.
Woohyun winces and writes off "manipulation" as yet another thing he is not above anymore. )
Title: Until the End
trinketriesRating: R
Characters: Myungsoo, Sungyeol, Sungjong
Warning: Character Death
Summary: Zombie AU. They've been together so long that they're not just going to split up now.
He doubts that he has much more to lose anyway. )
Title: Within
trinketriesRating: PG-13
Pairing: Hoya/Dongwoo
Summary: Werewolf AU. They balance each other out, in a way, but they can't fight what they are.
After all, he is still human in mind (though not body). )