Jan 31, 2008 08:55
I know, it's been a really long time since I last posted here. I must admit, that I'm not really the blogging type. I only write when I've something to say, and right now is a good time.
Most of my friends know that I've been trying to sell my first car ever bought, my ford focus, since I've got a company car for some time now. Last night someone came to see it and offered a sum that I agreed to, so around 22:15 I saw them drive off with my first car ever, which now belongs to them of course. It was such a strange feeling, such sadness over a car that I hadn't driven for months. But still it feels as if a chapter in my life has been closed. I bought this car 4,5 years ago, when I first started to work fulltime. Although we had a rough relationship in the beginning, we did some serious millage together. I drove it around for 100.000km, so you could say that on some days, it was more my home then just a mode of transportation. I still remember the long trips to and from Baarle-Hertog, speeding to Alcharion 7 (we were late, so we had to speed things up a bit), driving to and from Geraardsbergen in the middle of the night. And in the end, it always kept me safe. Oh yeah, I was almost forgetting the time we drove from the south of France, near the Camargues, to the valley of the Loire, straight through the mountains (Centraal massief). Ah, accelerating to 135km/h on a 6% climb, those were the days.
The people that bought it, were real lovers of this type of car. The guy that is going to drive the black panther from now on, is a technician at Ford himself, so he knows the car inside out. I hope it can bring them as much happiness and joy as it did me. I felt they were going to treat it with the respect and care it deserves. But it still feels as if a small part of me has gone with it. No more driving past it when going to work and saying hello. No more stopping, just to look how cool the panther is. It will be something to get used to again, that's for sure.