Dec 01, 2011 10:40
This morning, I got passed by a hotdogging cyclist headed northbound on St. Nicholas as I'm turning onto it. I could tell he was hotdogger because he was speeding through intersections when he didn't have the light; he was also wearing a t-shirt and shorts, while I am still cold at work, an hour later, despite wearing many layers this morning. When he gets to the police station at 122nd, however, he stops cold while I breeze through. Ten seconds later, he catches up and warns me not to be so cavalier around that area as he got a ticket there for running a red. He then runs the red at 125th street, an intersection I hesitate to cross when I do have the light. So, cautious, but not repentant.
In other news, my babiest baby sister got into a dental school! She's very excited, obviously, and it was one that she was pretty much in love with, so I think the application/interview process may be over, far as she's concerned. I'm very proud of her! Of course, the bar is now set very high for me to get into school, so I'm also a little mad at her :)
i love new york,