
Jul 19, 2011 15:29

I think I'm getting sick again. This is ridiculous. I've been sick easily twice as much in the last half year as I was for the two years previous. This morning, biking to work nearly killed me. I got to work all jelly-legged and had to have a sit in the kitchen to collect myself. I thought I might throw up, which led me to panic about whether or not my electrolytes were off enough to give me water poisoning. I also woke up with a headache that exists at the periphery of my consciousness only to throb, despite judicious use of painkillers, whenever I shift too quickly. I'm out of it, but not yet so sick that I can justify skivving off of work. What I really want to do is fall into bed and cuddle up with blankets until I stop being so tired. Which I shouldn't be because I got an adequate amount of sleep last night.

Maybe it's just a temporary funk and the usual symptom of impending sickness--the fact that the back of my nasal passage feels a little raw--is only due to allergies. I should be so lucky. Still, this sucks. I cannot figure out why I should be coming down with things so often. A few weeks ago, I had good reason to be ill as I was around sick people. No one is sick here any more. What is going on, immune system? Too much Diet Pepsi? Not enough? TELL ME.

In other news, the women at my work are fun, but they're not geeks. Sometimes we talk about movies, and I'm right at home in the conversation. Otherwise, they're all totally into fashion and talk about using the internet to help them plan outfits. As someone whose outfit "planning" consists of picking out the least dirty geeky t-shirt to pair with the same jeans I've been wearing for a week, this interest of theirs is a little baffling. I like Project Runway and I appreciate fashion as an art form much more than I do as something relevant to my life. Perhaps I could learn something from these discussions, but I doubt it. I'm more likely to feeling amazing in my N7 hoodie than in something tangentially inspired by Versace.

Three things make a post: has superb customer service. I called about some face cream I ordered from them arriving with the cap cracked. The product isn't leaking out, but once I remove the seal on the cream, or try to take on/off the top at all, it will quickly cease to keep the cream from drying out. They don't accept returns, so they're sending me another bottle, free of charge, to replace the cracked one, and I don't have to send back the old one. That means that if it doesn't dry out entirely (alas, not a likely situation, though it is a possibility), I'll be getting two for the price of one, no questions asked. I feel like it's worth mentioning when I get good customer service. It seems I'll never run out bad CS stories, but it's worth it to make a note of the good ones.

work, project runway, fashion, i am a consumer whore (and how!)

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